West Ferry

The faster way to reach Kefalonia.

Lefkada (Vasiliki) to Kefalonia (Fiscardo) in 60 minutes!

Timetable 2024

Ship at rest. There are no itineraries!

Ship at rest. There are no itineraries!

Ship at rest. There are no itineraries!

Lefkada (Vasiliki) – Kefalonia (Fiscardo)

From 12th
Daily at 11:00

Kefalonia (Fiscardo) – Lefkada (Vasiliki)

From 12th
Daily at 12:15

Lefkada (Vasiliki) – Kefalonia (Fiscardo)

From 1st to 13th
Monday to Friday at 11:00
Saturday & Sunday at 11:00 & 15:00

From 14th to 30th
Daily at 10:00 & 16:30


Kefalonia (Fiscardo) – Lefkada (Vasiliki)

From 1st to 13th
Monday to Friday at 12:15
Saturday & Sunday at 12:15 & 16:15

From 14th to 30th
Daily at 11:30 & 18:00

On Sunday May 5th: No trips carries out.
Extra trips on Friday 3rd and Monday 6th. 15:00 from Vasiliki and 16:15 from Fiscardo


Lefkada (Vasiliki) – Kefalonia (Fiscardo)

From 1st to 19th
Daily at 10:00 & 16:30

From 20tht to 30th
Daily at 10:00, 13:30 & 16:30

Kefalonia (Fiscardo) – Lefkada (Vasiliki)

From 1st to 19th
Daily at 11:30 & 18:00

From 20th to 30th
Daily at 11:30, 15:00 & 18:00


Extra trips on 15/06 from Vasiliki 13:30 and from Fiskardo 15:00 and 22/06, 29/06 & 30/06 from Vasiliki 07:00 and from Fiskardo 08:30

Lefkada (Vasiliki) – Kefalonia (Fiscardo)

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday at                   
10:00, 13:30 & 16:30
Friday, Saturday,Sunday & Monday at       
07:00, 10:00, 13:30 & 16:30

Kefalonia (Fiscardo) – Lefkada (Vasiliki)

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday at                  
11:30, 15:00 & 18:00
Friday, Saturday,Sunday & Monday at
08:30, 11:30, 15:00 & 18:00

Extra trip on:
Wednesday 10/07  from Fiscardo at 08:30

Lefkada (Vasiliki) – Kefalonia (Fiscardo

Daily at 07:00, 10:00, 13:30 & 16:30

Kefalonia (Fiscardo) – Lefkada (Vasiliki)

Daily at 08:30, 11:30, 15:00 & 18:00


Lefkada (Vasiliki) – Kefalonia (Fiscardo)

From 1st to 22th*
Daily at 10:00, 13:30 & 16:30

From 23th to 30th
Daily at 10:00 & 15:00

*Extra morning trip at 07:00 on 0n 01/09, 02/09, 06/09 & 07/09 

Kefalonia (Fiscardo) – Lefkada (Vasiliki)

From 1st to 22th*
Daily at 11:30, 15:00 & 18:00

From 23th to 30th
Daily at 11:30 & 16:15

*Extra morning trip at 08:30 on 0n 01/09, 02/09, 06/09 & 07/09 

October 1st to October 20th

Lefkada (Vasiliki) – Kefalonia (Fiscardo)

Daily at 11:00

Kefalonia (Fiscardo) – Lefkada (Vasiliki)

Daily at 12:15

Ship at rest. There are no itineraries!

Ship at rest. There are no itineraries!

West Ferry

…is a traditional shipping company established in October 1992 by the brothers Dimitri and Angelos Katopodis. Coming from a naval family with tradition of years at sea, they enter the ferry sector in 1983 by linking Meganissi with Nidri Lefkada for the first time with the ferry boat “LEFKAS”.

Travel Info

Prices & Offers

See the prices per person and type of vehicle,
and all available offers

Central Agencies

Dioni Travel - Nidri, Lefkada
Nautilus Travel - Fiscardo, Kefalonia

Collect Your Ticket

Αvoid the wait at the ticket kiosk in the port...

your reservation

At West Ferry we are constantly trying to improve our services and make the customer experience easier.
We have created a custom booking system through which you can see availability and book your ticket for all our routes.

Soon will be also available the online payment system.

Important Notice

Please note that according to current regulation, in order for your electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle to travel on board our vessel, it will be inspected for the battery charge level to not exceed 40% of its total capacity.

For the rest alternative fuel vehicles, such as LPG or natural gas the filling of their tank must not exceed 50% of their capacity.

Thank you for your attention.

Σημαντική Ενημέρωση

Σας ενημερώνουμε ότι με το νέο κανονιστικό πλαίσιο προκειμένου να ταξιδέψει το όχημα σας με το πλοίο μας εφόσον είναι αμιγώς ηλεκτρικό ή επαναφορτιζόμενο ηλεκτρικό, θα πρέπει το επίπεδο φόρτισης του συσσωρευτή να μην υπερβαίνει το 40% της συνολικής του χωρητικότητας.

Εφόσον το όχημα σας χρησιμοποιεί λοιπά εναλλακτικά καύσιμα, υγραέριο ή φυσικό αέριο η δεξαμενή του δεν θα πρέπει να περιέχει καύσιμο άνω του 50% της συνολικής του χωρητικότητας.

Ευχαριστούμε για την προσοχή σας.